divorce and parenting

I always take the time in my life to think about how grateful I am to have a daughter to love and to make sure I am doing all I can to raise her right and cherish her. I take this very seriously.

But the unfortunate reality is that there are many fathers who aren’t engaged enough (or at all) with their children and that just crushes me. This is one of life’s most honorable privileges and it’s being taken for granted way more than it should be.

A couple weeks ago, it was dad’s night at my daughter’s dance studio. I had known about it for several weeks, so the excitement had been building. Now, it’s not like I haven’t showed up for other dance practices, but this was a special event where the dads would be participating. I knew it meant a lot to my daughter and the other girls.

As the class began, I was shocked that I was the only father present! Ugh. Why?!? What could your excuse possibly be, dad? You’ve known about it for weeks! So disappointing. Not only was I disheartened for the other girls but now it made my presence feel awkward. My daughter was now feeling more embarrassed than excited considering I was the only dad present – like only the “weird” dads show up – which led to her preferring I not participate as planned. What a sorry emotion for a 9-year-old girl to feel in this situation! You, and whatever else you thought was more important, stole a precious moment from me!

single dad parenting after divorce

I know our young girls often say “don’t go dad” but, deep in their hearts where it counts, they want us there. It means everything to them (even if they tell you otherwise). We know better…

As much as I want to think otherwise, this wasn’t an isolated incident. The sad truth is that dads are not “showing up” enough in their child(ren)’s lives, especially for their daughters. We alone are building their perception for how a man should love them, look at them, protect them and be there for them. Nothing shapes a young woman’s understanding of love and self-worth more so than the love and attention from her father.

As a single father and co-parent, I know I need to be even more present and engaged because she does not have me there on a daily basis. Maybe that actually helps me be more present compared to a father who sees his child every day and may feel his presence from just being around is enough. But it’s not about the total time, it is how you choose to utilize and value it.

But just being around and saying “I love you” when they are going to bed is not nearly enough! We need to be present in every way. It is always at the forefront of my mind. She needs me. Now. In all moments. In all ways. You can’t be “over-present.”

Some of my favorite life moments have been experiences with my daughter. And it doesn’t have to be anything extraordinary or expensive. They want our time. Our warmth. Our interest in their lives. They won’t be explicit about that, but you know. When you become a parent, you inherit the responsibility to love them deeply. And, honestly, there isn’t a lot to it. Just show up!

single dad parenting

As a single father, I have made some very conscious sacrifices to prioritize my daughter in my life. It has impacted my career advancement. It has slowed my search for a romantic partner in life. I have been able to socialize and travel less. But guess what? I’m good.

Why? Because it gives me the chance to show up and raise an incredible human being. Going to dads’ nights. Lying next to her while she is playing games on her iPad and being ready for her to show me something she finds funny or interesting. Making slime or dance videos together. Teaching her how to whistle obnoxiously, or blow bubbles with her gum or make fart noises with her armpits (because that is what dads do). Attending all her soccer games and dance recitals and school events (even when I have a 2-hour round trip for a 30-minute activity). Coloring her hair. Baking. Swimming in freezing water. Spending 5 hours goofing around in IKEA. Playing the same game over and over again. Listening to her social “drama” at school. Joining her on an amusement park ride that makes me sick.

I am her teacher. I don’t need to be an expert. I just need to try. I need to be genuinely interested in her. And I need to show up!

Our children need us more than ever in this day in time. The information age is bombarding them with content and, unless we regularly engage, they will drift off into a world we don’t want them in and they will feel less connected to their family. Our children are learning things so much faster which means they need us involved to guide their learning and emotional development.

Please. Show up! It is everything to them. And it’s the best gift you will ever receive.

Co-Parenting My Daughter

5 Comments. Leave new

  • Sooo well written. This honestly made me tear up. In your opinion, do you think there is anything a parent can do to push the other parent along to have them show up more? Especially when a child is so obviously struggling?

    • Same question here! I’d love to send this to my daughters dad but I know he’d take it the wrong way. I just want him to realize how important he is to her and how much his involvement or lack there of will impact her. He has her every other weekend, rarely calls outside of that and may see her for a few hours during the week.

      • This may not be the response you are looking for but my #1 suggestion to have him show up more and become more invested is to change your parenting/custody arrangement so that he gets 50% of the parenting time. The every second weekend arrangement is an outdated approach that has been proven to be more harmful for children than when both parents have equal parenting time. Fathers who see their kids this infrequently are also more likely to become disengaged and their relationship with their children inevitably suffers. If you want to show both your ex and your kids how important their relationship with their father really is then I suggest starting by going back to court and requesting a 50/50 custody arrangement.

    • Damon D'Arienzo
      March 13, 2020 2:17 pm

      Starts with communication! Keep it about what’s in the child’s best interest. You can express what you think would help but can’t force it. Showing up is a personal choice – can’t be forced.

  • Wow … you said everything.
    His daughter is fortunate to have him as a father, his continued presence in his life will bear beautiful fruits as a teenager and also a woman.
    With your text, I remember that my father gave me affection, doll, but he didn’t play with me. It was my mother. The presence of a father for a girl is very important.
    The love of you two is beautiful.


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